Insight and strength with the intention of giving aging a fight
Your well-being is important to you, but lately you have noticed that the body has started to speak up. You have passed 45 and have time and motivation to exercise, however, the age affects more than just your attitude – the hormones have started to live their own life. Fortunately, you have the upper mind: Proper diet and exercise give advantage in both aging and symptoms.
45+ years is no age, everyone agrees upon. You’ve got distance to what used to upset you and have the calmness of your body making choices that are good for you. Isn’t it typical that it’s just when the body should start to get tricky?
When is the menopause starting?
Menopause occurs differently early for different women. In rare cases, it occurs already in the later teens, but the most common is that the symptoms apply soon after you turn 40 years old. Many women approaching the 50-year-old realize that they have seen signals upwards of ten years earlier, but who is observant of what you don’t expect?
What is menopause?
In the first stage, the menopause, signs are seen that fertility is shutting down. Periods tend to come irregularly for a period, to finally cease. The other symptoms that affects us physically can be very stressful even for the strongest: The body’s temperature system is put out of play with night sweats as a result. This, in turn, leads to disturbed sleep patterns and depression is nothing unusual. It is also common to pull on a weight gain that settles around the stomach and straightens out a previously more female hourglass-shaped figure.
Hormone balance controls everything
What causes it all is that your levels of the sex hormone estrogen drop. Estrogen deficiency makes you tired and suddenly unable to exercise with the same intensity as before. To be able to cope, it will be important to optimize your diet with nutrition and energy. You also note that you need more time for recovery.
Take control of your body!
Trainimal Woman looks to you as an individual. We are experts in training for women through all phases of life, not least pregnancy: Our coaches have over 10 years of specialist experience coaching just pregnant and new people Let you live as it has done so far is the risk that you have your road map above. If you want another fate, however, there are a whole bunch of things you can do to fight back and regain control: Grab your nutritional uptake for well-being via diet, build up your muscles, tighten your skin and learn to love recovery. With small means, you can make a big difference and if you do not know about diet and exercise yourself, there is guidance to be obtained. Our experts are happy to help you.