Strength and physical development for maximum performance
You love pushing forward and moving the border for what you can handle. You know what you can, but who knows how far you can get? For us, it is quite obvious that you should be given the opportunity to perform at the peak of your potential. Strength, speed, explosiveness and muscles. Everything you want, you can get. Our coaches are happy to guide you.
At birth, you met the world with your forehead first. You have exercise in your DNA and get kicks off to take on challenges. You know that progression is the mother of muscle development and that the source of the power sits in the diet. In general, you have a pretty good understanding and experience of training, but there is always more to learn and skills left to develop. In fact, that insight is strongly contributing to what drives you.
The strength makes the difference
It is you who have to do the job, but depending on what you want to achieve, we can back you in different ways. Our coaches know how to get the best conditions and are experts in strength and musculature that form the basis for performance. We can coach you to a strong physique that stands for the challenge.
The importance of diet for performance
Anyone who wants to be the best leaves nothing to chance. You can be strong as an ox and spend all your free time at the gym – if you don’t know what you’re putting in you, you’re doing yourself a disservice. An increased amount of exercise does not solve the lack of results if you eat wrong.
With the right diet, your performance will be better. It’s not just about efficiency. The diet is just as important for those who like to hang out for a long time at the gym: It would be foolish not to max out the conditions with the effort you put down.
Focus on one thing at a time
Trainimal Woman looks to you as an individual. We are experts in training for women through all phases of life, regardless of fitness level. To reach the goal you need, you need to know where to go: No way is straight, but to reach your goal, the detours need to be avoided. It may sound obvious, but the one who knows a lot often wants a lot. Sometimes too much.
If you do to top your chins, run races in record time, build muscle and lose weight at the same time, you won’t succeed. An effort to reach five goals at the same time allows you to just put 20% on each step. Instead, treat yourself to the luxury of giving 100% to one thing at a time, and the goal will soon be within reach.
Trainimal Woman – strong women through all phases of life
In 2010 we were founded under the name MammaFitness Sweden and we are proud to have coached over 40 000 women to reach their goals. Over the years, satisfied customers have faithfully followed us through life and today we coach all women towards their specific goals and desired lifestyle. Therefore, the natural step in 2021 was to change its name to Trainimal Woman.