The key to weight loss is increasing your metabolism. Strength training and cardio both increase metabolism, but strength training is much easier. Intensity is the watchword. If you force your body to work hard, it will release performance-boosting hormones to survive. When done consistently, these hormones will have a positive effect on your metabolism. Strength training will help you burn fat more efficiently.

Aerobic exercise such as running and spinning are certainly healthy and good for you, but as your body adapts quickly, you will need to constantly increase the amount of exercise to maintain the same level of fat burning. Who has the time or the inclination to do that?

Strength training results in an increased after-burn of energy that can last up to 2 days after your workout. In addition, it triggers the growth of muscle cells, which increases muscle mass and consequently increases your basal metabolic rate (BMR).

The body is made up of around 640 muscles – but you obviously don’t have to focus on all of them when you choose to do strength training! Focus on the major muscle groups responsible for your everyday strength:

  • Back
  • Glutes
  • Legs
  • Chest

The major muscle groups consume a lot of energy and strengthen your posture and body functions so that you can carry yourself proudly. When you lose muscle, your metabolism slows down. Muscle mass is the main factor that determines your resting energy expenditure. 

To give you an example: 1 kg of fat burns 4 kcal/day and 1 kg of muscle burns about 70 kcal/day. For many people, this can make the difference between being reasonably fit and being overweight. In order to build muscles, they need to be continuously overloaded as this makes them stronger. An effective way to do this is to start lifting weights.


  • Do short, intense workouts rather than lengthy cardio sessions. One hour of strength training is enough – any more and your performance will suffer.
  • It is important to exercise with progression in mind so your progress doesn’t stagnate. So, do heavier loads, more sets or repetitions, or replace the exercises with additional or more difficult variations.
  • Don’t skimp on the frequency – make sure you do strength training regularly and be consistent. Also exercise for continuous periods.
  • Use free weights rather than machines and focus on compound exercises rather than isolation exercises.