Well-being, balance and strength that suits your lifestyle
Congratulations on the decision to work towards your goals! Investing in health and strengthening the body is the finest gift you can give yourself. When it comes to well-being and self-esteem, everyone is a winner. Regardless of what you want to achieve, our task is to convey knowledge and coach you. What is your reason to exercise?
Everyone can succeed with exercise and diet, but many make it unnecessarily difficult for themselves. Surely it is possible to achieve a healthy life while you treat yourself to taking the turns! Finding balance in everyday life with exercise, diet and social life is exactly what we work with.
What motivation flows your boat?
Many women go all in for the diet when a change is made. However, it is not uncommon for nutrient intake to be too low. The body speaks up and protest. You need energy to be able to perform as the person you want to be with home, family and work! Nothing good comes from starving yourself: Key to health is about optimizing your intake of nutrition and energy.
Many people also expect training to be fun, but it must also be difficult. Far from everyone thinks it’s funny WHEN it’s hard. However, we have not met the woman who does not find it fun to see results.
When motivation fails, it is therefore important to keep track of what triggers you: What makes you see the reward on the other side of the session? Where is the balance that makes the job difficult, but leads to results? When you find it, we dare to promise that you will fight through the heaviest sets.
Experience leads to success
Are you one of those who get stuck in the same pattern? Do you feel out of energy in the passes because you eat too little? Are you afraid of doing wrong at the gym? By learning how the body works, you soon understand how everything is connected. Get help from someone who can: Our coaches have long experience and are happy to guide you in how to set up training and diet.
Be proud of your mistakes! It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried but fallen back to old habits.
It is perfectly fine to fail. In fact, we see it as a good thing! This means that you tested, evaluated and can attack the target wiser next time.
We all know what happens when you miss a few times or get sick: Progress is withdrawn as if by a rubber band. The strongest thing you can do is get started right away again. Don’t wait, and never be ashamed. Everyone has failures. It’s part of the plan!
Trainimal Woman – strong women through all phases of life
Trainimal Woman looks to you as an individual. We are experts in training for women through all phases of life, regardless of fitness level. In 2010 we were founded under the name MammaFitness Sweden and we are proud to have successfully helped over 40 000 women achieve their goals. Over the years, satisfied customers have faithfully followed us through life’s changes. Today we coach women in all phases of life towards their specific goals and desired lifestyles. Therefore, the natural step in 2021 was to change its name to Trainimal Woman.