Trainimal’s coaches

  • Alexandra Petersson

    I have been a trained nutritionist for more than 18 years and have also further trained in diet and sports and CBT-oriented overweight treatment. I have previously worked at a doctor’s office and gym in Stockholm and trained people…

  • Anne Sjölander

    LICENSED PERSONAL TRAINER: I am a licensed personal trainer since 2012 and trained health coach since 2010. I have a wide and long experience in exercise and health…

  • Azita Ariadad

    LICENSED PERSONAL TRAINER: I am a licensed personal trainer since 2013 specializing in pregnancy and postpartum training…

  • Emelie Andersson

    LICENSED PERSONAL TRAINER: With three young children at home, I have learned everything about not having the time and feeling to start from scratch. For me…

  • Lina Abrahamsson

    DIETITIAN: I am a licensed dietitian since12 years with a further education in behavioral medicine and health psychology. I have extensive experience in areas such as obesity, diabetes and malnutrition…

  • Matilda Persson

    DIETITIAN: I am a licensed dietitian with a great passion for food and would like to share the joy of food and what I can. I work to give you concrete…

  • Olga Rönnberg

    FOUNDER, LICENSED PERSONAL TRAINER: I have over 20 years of practical experience in coaching. I am a licensed coach, the author of 8 best-selling books about physical training…

Our coaches are true experts

Our trainers always have at least 3 years of practical experience. Our dietary advisors are licensed dieticians or nutritionists. With us, you can rest assured that you will be met by professionals with the appropriate skills.