It’s not unusual for women to eat Greek yoghurt with honey for breakfast. Nothing else. I’d like to present a better alternative: our protein rich granola. The shop bought granolas are generally rich in sugar, calories and additives. Here’s a much better and super tasty alternative! 

Tip! Enjoy the granola with 1 cup of quark and ½ cup berries of your choice. Add a couple of eggs for more protein and satiety. That’s what I call breakfast for active women (and champions)!  

Peanut granola

6 portions

  • 6 tbsp organic peanut butter
  • 140 g oats
  • 3 tbsp liquid honey

Method: Set the oven to 150c. Melt the peanut butter in the microwave. Mix the ingredients in a bowl. Distribute the mixture on a oven tray lined with parchment paper. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Turn the oven off but leave the granola in until it gets dry and crispy. 

Nutritional value:
225 kcal/per portion
Protein 41 g (6,8 g) • Carbohydrates 159 g (26,5 g) • Fat 61 g (10,1)

Foto iStockphoto